Lesson #8 Living Righteously in a Wicked World

This weeks lesson in the study guide HERE
You can find a handy dandy map for this weeks lesson HERE (it's super helpful)

This lesson is complimented really well by this article (Living Righteously in a Wicked World) in the February Ensign

We will be focusing on Lot and which ways we should "pitch our tents".

Here's talk from Elder Holland called "Remember Lot's Wife"

Something to think about...
A statement from Elder M. Russell Ballard:
“In the Church, we often state the couplet, ‘Be in the world but not of the world.’ As we observe television shows that make profanity, violence, and infidelity commonplace and even glamorous, we often wish we could lock out the world in some way and isolate our families from it all. …
“Perhaps we should state the couplet previously mentioned as two separate admonitions. First, ‘Be in the world.’ Be involved; be informed. Try to be understanding and tolerant and to appreciate diversity. Make meaningful contributions to society through service and involvement. Second, ‘Be not of the world.’ Do not follow wrong paths or bend to accommodate or accept what is not right. …
“Members of the Church need to influence more than we are influenced. We should work to stem the tide of sin and evil instead of passively being swept along by it. We each need to help solve the problem rather than avoid or ignore it” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1989, 100–101; or Ensign, May 1989, 80).

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